Posted Tue Sep 29, 2015 at 09:12 AM PDT by Brian Hoss
A vehicle with a defined purpose.
Techland & Warner Bros.' expectations-defying 'Dying Light' (review here), is helping to build a great brand. Today, that brand is SILAS Motors, and Silas will be supplying a very important part of the upcoming 'Dying Light: The Following,' the SILAS All-Terrain Dirt Buggy. Naturally, it's a way to get around Harran, but it's also a weapon, one with its own skill tree.
Ah, that brings back fond memories of the limited driving in 'Dead Island.' The SILAS All-Terrain Dirt Buggy has been built with a Driver's Survival First attitude.
'Dying Light: The Following' will be free for current Season Pass owners, and will also be available to purchase as DLC for non-Season Pass 'Dying Light' owners at a price of $14.99.
The expansion is expected for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC later this year.
Source: Warner Bros.
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